
Kopli kaubanduskeskus

A new shopping center opened in Kopli

A small shopping center in Tallinn’s Kopli district was opened on December 27. The first part of the shopping center opened to the public is a Maxima store, while a Benu pharmacy and an Olympic Casino branch will be opened in the coming days.

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Colonna heategevusfond

Record donation of more than 90,000 euros was raised to help new-borns

The charity campaign “Help save a life!” organized by the Colonna Charity Foundation in cooperation with the Maternity Ward of East-Tallinn Central Hospital raised a record amount of 90,680 euros for aiding new-borns. A 30,000-euro share was used for purchasing the LifeStart neonatal resuscitation unit for very premature babies for the Maternity Ward of East-Tallinn Central Hospital, and 45,000 euros were donated to the maternity wards of three Estonian county hospitals for purchasing CTG monitors.

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